LEX10-Office is a cloud-based, general purpose, Legal Case Management Solution (CMS)
designed specifically for private law firms in Malaysia, offered as "Software-As-A-Service"
on Pay-As-You-Earn model.
LEX10-Office is user-friendly, feature-rich, reliable and scalable with proven
records in lowering the operating cost and manpower requirements for our clients
by 40% while increases the overall efficiency.
LEX10-Office is actively under features enhancement and upgraded on monthly interval. The following
are the major components of our system:
LEX10 Advantage:
LEX10-Office uses native web-based technology and offered as cloud solution.
It ensures rapid implementation without any need to download or install any
client software. Users simply log in from their browsers at any devices,
regardless of their geogrphic location, to gain access to the system.
> device-independant;
> platform-independant;
> location independant
Responsive Mobile Support
Open Source & No Vendor Lock-in
Completely based on open source components, all of LEX10-Office's
back-end software are obtained and can be continuously upgraded to
it's latest versions, without further investment. The system
architecture is capable of supporting tens of thousands of simultaneous
user access. Our soultion simply scales with our clients as they
grow in size and needs.
Our solution emphasize on stability above all else.
LEX10 has records of less than five support calls from one client
over its seven years of continuous operation. All data is backed up
daily during off-hours. In the event of server hardward failure,
the system can be restored with the last backup date, and return to
full operation within short period of down time.
Easy to Use
Enormoous effort has been taken from the inception of LEX10-Office
to ensure that user interface and logic flow of the solution is easy
to understand and use. These is no need for extensive training -
everything is self-explanatory and simple. The interface is not designed
from a programmer's viewpoint but from a user perspectie. The philosophy
of innovating for better user experience holds true in LEX10.
Free Upgrades
LEX10 welcomes all constructive feedback and we take pride in making the
solution richer in features. LEX10's "Uni-version Policy" ensures out clients
are never excluded from newer features after implementation, as all version
upgrades are provided free-of-charge. This is because LEX10 treats the
relationship with our clients as an equal partnership, and not a purely
business relationship of provider and client.
Scaling Fee
LEX10 practises scape fee structures similar to how legal fees are
charged. Ultimately, if clients have the business volume, the average
fee-per-file will be lower.
Our clients do no thave to worry about the complicated calculation of
"number of client licenses" or "number of active users". With our
subscription model, clients only pay a nominal fee once in its
lifetime for each file opened. This helps maintain healthy cash flow
and keeps expenses under control.